Events & Social Clubs

Participation in a variety of formal social activities has a beneficial effect on preventing cognitive decline. Events and social clubs at the Kimel Centre include anything from comedy night to genre-specific film clubs to intergenerational volunteer opportunities,...

Performing Arts

Performing arts programs are proven to be effective in preventing cognitive decline, and that’s why you will find a variety of theatre, music, and dance classes at the Kimel Centre. We offer small class sizes, led by industry leaders, so that you can engage your...

Fine Arts & Crafts

Arts-based programs and creative activities are considered effective in improving cognitive functioning. Our programs provide you with opportunities to explore textile, paper, fashion, decorative, and functional arts and crafts taught by local artisans and designers....

Fitness & Wellness

Physical exercise is a promising intervention in the prevention and delay of cognitive decline. Whether you are exercising in Stan’s Gym, the exercise room, or the pool, our programs are designed to help you build and enhance your physical health. Developed and...