How can our research Help you?
At the Kimel Family Centre for Brain Health & Wellness we believe that it’s never too late to invest in your brain health! Did you know that 40% of dementia cases could be prevented by following a healthy lifestyle? That’s why the Kimel Family Centre is here for you! Learn if programming tailored to your personal risk factors can help maintain your brain health and help reduce your risks of dementia.
By participating in our research assessments, you will receive a personalized risk report and programming strategy. With this, our team will track the effects of these approaches on your cognition and dementia risk factors.
Am I eligible to participate?
You can participate in our research to become a Kimel Family Centre member if you meet the following eligibility requirements:
Aged 50 or over
Have not been diagnosed with dementia
Fluent in English (speaking and writing)
Able to afford the introductory rate of $25 a month + tax
This membership fee helps to cover the cost of programming. The research study is funded through grants and other donor contributions.
What’s involved in the assessment?
The Assessment
As the Kimel Family Centre is a research-driven facility, members will be asked to provide informed consent to participate in the research assessment.
Welcome & Onboarding appointment
Assessment #1: Questionnaire
Assessment #2: Blood & Saliva collection
Assessment #3: Clinical tests
Receive your dementia risk report & program strategy
Register for Programs
Our membership waitlist is now open.
Join today and start your brain health revolution. Sign up and our team will contact you when a membership becomes available.
Please note: due to a high-level of interest, it may be a few weeks before prospective members are contacted.
FAQs about Research
About The Kimel Family Centre for Brain Health and Wellness
The Kimel Family Centre for Brain Health and Wellness is a research unit within the Baycrest Academy for Research and Education.
The Kimel Family Centre offers a variety of health, wellness and interest programs to qualifying individuals who register for a paid membership. These programs are personally-recommended to each member based on a detailed dementia risk assessment.
Members are also enrolled in a research study that will examine how participation in the member’s personally-recommended programs helps to reduce dementia risk and maintain cognitive functioning.
All members must be actively enrolled in the research study as a condition of membership, except for Baycrest Terraces and 2 Neptune residents who are able to opt-out of the research study and still participate in programs.
If you are interested in applying for a membership and participating in the research study, please complete the Prospective Membership form. The Kimel Family Centre will contact you to tell you about the programs and the research study and determine if you meet the criteria for participation. If you qualify, you will be invited to sign a Membership Agreement & Liability Waiver to participate in the programs and a separate Informed Consent Form to participate in the research study.
The Membership Agreement & Liability Waiver and Kimel Family Centre Privacy Policy govern your membership and participation in the Programs.
The Informed Consent Form documents your consent to participate in the research study and sets out your obligations and rights in connection with the research study.
Your use of the Kimel Family Centre website is governed by the Kimel Family Centre Website Terms of Use and the Kimel Family Centre Privacy Policy posted on the Website.